Please chip in to help our mission

UaWelcome helps parents and children who are fleeing war, persecution, humanitarian crisis and seeking safe refuge in the United States.

Our five areas of focus of are:
1. Proving free housing with American host families (until they are able to afford rent).
2. Covering travel expenses and transportation (air fare, buying their first cheap car of an auction).
3. Providing access to medical care and PTSD therapy before insurance kicks in.
4. Free daycare and summer camps for kids, English classes for adults.
5. Providing parents with vital information and kids with reasons to smile (i.e.we help parents get a work permit, and children recieve bikes and Halloween costumes).



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First Place Winner

Most Impactful – UAWelcome

Success stories

Ilarraza Family

Ilarraza Family

A lovely family of five shared their home, food, care, and love with a Ukrainian mother with a child and her sister. Thanks to them, the boy went to school, and his mother and her sister successfully completed all the…

McCoy Family

McCoy Family

A lovely McCoy family of five hosted a Ukrainian family with two small children who had fled the war. For four months they became one big international family. You can find their story here:

Send Ukrainian refugee kids to summer camp

Send Ukrainian refugee kids to summer camp

The war in Ukraine brought many refugee kids to Charlotte, North Carolina. There is no government support, and all efforts to help families fleeing war are private initiatives. Our important goal for the summer is to send the refugee kids…