Please help us buy air tickets for this Ukrainian mom and her daughter.
They are refugees, their home is destroyed and they have been through many traumatic events. This woman and child deserve a safe haven in the United States.

Olga is a single mom of 9-year old Liza. They lived in Sumy, Ukraine. Olga has been working as a project manager. Liza was a straight-A student and won national ballroom dancing competitions.
Their city is very close to the Russian border and it was the first one attacked by the Russian troops. Olga and Liza hid from bombs and shelling in their basement. They tried to escape, but the streets were blocked by Russian tanks. In two days they were able to get into a car with another woman and her children.
After getting in cross-fire between Russian and Ukrainian troops, being turned away at block-posts and many detours Olga and Liza were able to drive to Western Ukraine. On some days they were hungry because there was no food in the stores.

Olga washed their clothes in the gas station bathrooms. Liza was sent overnight to an orphan house while they were waiting in car line for days on the Ukraine – Poland border (it was the only way for the child to sleep in a bed and take a shower).
We have a family willing to host Olga and Liza in Charlotte, North Carolina. Please help us cover their airfare!